A NEW Beginning
Métis Addictions Council of Saskatchewan Inc. (MACSI) is a provincial community based addictions agency with locations in three cities across the province, Saskatoon, Regina and Prince Albert. We welcome Métis, First Nations and Non Aboriginal people who are seeking support to live safer, healthier lives free of the harmful effects of addictions. MACSI’s programs and services are unique. They are informed by a broad spectrum of influences. This includes knowledge of our Métis heritage, traditional Aboriginal teachings, the 12 step recovery model, Saskatchewan’s Clinical Principles for Alcohol and Drug Misuse Services in Saskatchewan, up-to-date research and emerging trends in the field of addictions.
Caring and qualified addictions counsellors at each centre help individuals to find the service and support that fits best. MACSI offers individualized treatment, hope and empowerment through inpatient treatment, outpatient services, drop-in day programming and community field work for youth and adults.
How do I make an Residential Inpatient or Social Detox / Stabilization referral?
MACSI Treatment Centres work with service providers throughout the province to meet a range of addictions treatment needs.
To access Inpatient Services at the MACSI Centres, we require a completed referral package. Download the package by clicking the button below. You will need the free version Adobe Reader to open the pdf documents. Print the PDF documents, fill out the forms and submit to the MACSI Centre of your choice.
Prince Albert Treatment Centre 1-866-722-2155
Regina Treatment Centre 1-866-815-6515
Saskatoon offers a flexible, drop-in Day Programs. Please contact them directly for more information.
Saskatoon Treatment Centre 1-877-652-8951
Referral Package Structure
The forms are available for download in ZIP format. After extracting the folder, you can easily view and print each form individually for inpatient or stabilization departments.For assistance, please contact the Core office or a MACSI Centre at (306) 652-8951.
Download Referral Package
Contact Métis Addictions Council of Saskatchewan Inc.
Prince Albert Treatment Centre:
334 19th Street East
Prince Albert, SK || S6V 1J7
Ph: 306-953-8250
Fax: 306-953-8261
Toll Free: 1-866-722-2155
E-mail: princealbert@macsi.ca
Stabilization/Detox Unit:
Ph: 306-953-8262
Toll Free: 1-866-722-2155
Saskatoon Treatment Centre
& MACSI Core Office
213 Avenue C South
Saskatoon, SK || S7M 1N3
Ph: 306-652-8951
Fax: 306-665-0703
Toll Free: 1-877-652-8951
E-mail: rdsaskatoon@macsi.ca
Regina Treatment Centre:
329 College Ave East
Regina, SK || S4N 0V9
Ph: 306-522-3681
Fax: 306-347-7902
Toll Free: 1-866-815-6515
E-mail: regina@macsi.ca
MACSI Core Office:
213 Avenue C South
Saskatoon, SK || S7M 1N3
Ph: 306-651-3021
Fax: 306-651-2639
Toll Free: 1-800-236-5204
E-mail: oa@macsi.ca